Photometer 5010
Under construction
Under Construction

Photomete r 5010




Semi-automatic, single-beam filter photometer

Light Source

Halogen lamp - 12 V, 20 W


340 nm - 800 nm

Wavelength Selection

Automatic via 8-position filter wheel:


5 Standard interference filters: 340 nm, 405 nm, 546nm, 578nm

3 positions for optional filters of choice

Photometric Range

0-2.5 Bel

Cuvette System

Microflow cell: 32 ul, 10 mm light pathinterchangeable against microflow cell with 60 ul, 5mm light path and normal Standard cuvettes (macroor semi-micro, disposable or special optical glass)

Temperature Control

Intemal Peltier elements, temperature variable,  pre-adjusted to 25 °C, 30 °C and 37 °C




Equilibration time for aspirated reaction mixture to


reach 37 °C from ambient temperature: 15 sec

Aspiration System

Built-in peristaltic pump driven by stepper motor,



Reaction Volume

500-600 ul per test

Operator Interface

Membrane keyboard with 20 keys for direct


functions and numeric entries

Data Presentation

LSD display: 2 lines of 16 characters each, easy to


read and offering simple user guidance

Integrated Printer

Dot-matrix printer, 24 characters per line


General operating sortware contained in EPROM (6


language versions and capacity for some 300


pre-programmed testvariants). Up to 8 non-linear


calibration curves and settings for 12-28 additional


tests can be stored in RAM.

Signal Ports

l serial and l parallel port for connection to an


extemal printer and/or Computer (bidirectional





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