General information

Refurbished Ultra Sound Instruments



General information



We have a rapid turn over of refurbished instruments, therefore the enclosed list is just listing the the actual stock of Feb. 2001


We generally source the best available used instruments, but we do not reserve instruments, which we have refurbished on stock. We are selling refurbished instruments by the „first come, first serve“ principle


If a desired refurbished instrument is not anymore available , we will source an alternate instrument, adequate in quality and price


Alternatively, you can even ask for specific brands/equipments, that is actually demanded


Detailed technical information resp. promotional material are available on request




We source and refurbish only brands of companies, who can globally guarantee for service, training and spare part delivery


Only companies who fulfill world class standards are distributed


Service, training and instructions for local engineers and operators is organized via our organization in Germany




Technical description,detailed specifications manuals etc. are available on request




All refurbished instruments fulfil the official German quality standards for refurbished diagnostic instruments


All refurbished instruments are intensively tested, they are ready to use and compare, in terms of performance, with adequate new instruments




6 month for all refurbished instruments

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